2016 Simulation Based Patient Safety Symposium
Saturday, June 11, 2016
12:30 – 16:30
Sir John A. MacDonald Ballroom
PEI Convention Centre, CHARLOTTETOWN, PE
Overview & Objectives
The CSO-HNS is pleased to announce a half-day, simulation-based workshop offered at this year’s Annual Meeting. The interactive workshop provides a unique opportunity to refine technical and non-technical skills in an effort to improve patient safety in Otolaryngology. The workshop consists of 4 small -and large-group stations and follows the care of a single patient through various stages of his/her care.
Stations include: flexible / rigid bronchoscopy with foreign body removal, simulated patients for hands-on learning of practical crisis resource management (CRM) skills, and pertinent medico-legal scenarios. All simulations will include either individualized feedback or group debriefing sessions. Invited faculty will come from across North America.
12:30-13:00 Registration & Introduction
13:00-13:40 Simulation Station 1: A patient presents for his/her pre-operative clinic visit. But an unanticipated critical situation occurs. Are you ready?
13:40-14:30 Simulation Station 2: Surgery Gone Wrong! Intra-operative crisis during routine surgery. What will you do?
14:30-14:50 Coffee break
14:50-15:30 Simulation Station 3: Intra-operative removal of aspirated foreign body. Practice your rigid and flexible bronchoscopy skills.
15:30-16:10 Simulation Station 4: I Have Some Bad News! Post-operative disclosure of complication. Do you know what are the medico-legal considerations?
16:10-16:20 Survey
16:20-16:30 Closing Remarks
Organizing Committee
Dr. Lily HP Nguyen, McGill University
Dr. Adrian Gooi, University of Manitoba
Dr. Norbert Viallet, University of Manitoba
Dr. Kevin Fung, Western University
Mr. Thomas Diehl, McGill University
Dr. Gigi Osler, University of Manitoba
Dr. Lily HP Nguyen, McGill University
Dr. Adrian Gooi, University of Manitoba
Dr. Norbert Viallet, University of Manitoba
Dr. Kevin Fung, Western University
Dr. Trina Uwiera, University of Alberta
Dr. David Eibling, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Jane Lea, University of British Columbia
Dr. Ellen Deutsch, University of Philadelphia
Dr. Sophie Lachance, Université Laval
Dr. Evan Propst, University of Toronto
Dr. Liane Johnson, Dalhousie University
Earn Section 3 Credits
We are pleased to announce that this course qualifies for 10.5 Section 3: Assessment credit hours. The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada’s Maintenance of Certification program requires a minimum of 25 credits per cycle in each of Sections 1, 2, & 3 for all cycles starting on or after January 1, 2014.
There is no charge to attend this symposium if you are registered for the 70th Annual Meeting.
If you are NOT registered for the conference but wish to attend this course, please get in touch with the Society’s office at entcanada@csohns.org.
Submit your payment via MAIL, PHONE, FAX or EMAIL – 68 Gilkison Street, Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Tel: 800-655-9533 / Fax: 519-846-9529 / entcanada@csohns.org
Click on the link below to to download a form – 2016 Brochure/Registration Form