Electronic posters are included as part of the annual scientific program of the CSO-HNS. It provides an opportunity for display of scientific material, charts, and photographs, supplemented by written text. E-posters will be displayed on the annual meeting website and conference app. No hardcopy displays will be accepted.
Judging will be conducted by three or more individuals chosen by the Awards Committee Chair. Each e-poster will be assessed according to the following criteria:
The winning e-poster display will receive a cash prize of $500.00. The Review Committee may also name honourable mentions.
2023 ACCEPTED e-POSTERS (Poster Prize & General Viewing)
Authors must submit their work electronically as a PDF (vertical orientation only) to the Awards Committee Chair, Dr. Danielle MacNeil c/o entcanada3@csohns.org (NEW EMAIL) in its final format, by the extended deadline date of August 4, 2023.
They will be displayed on the CSO-HNS Annual Meeting website and available for viewing on the meeting app.
IMPORTANT All accepted e-poster submissions qualify for the 2023 Poster Competition unless you inform us otherwise. Only those posters submitted by the deadline date will have the opportunity to be reviewed and short-listed by the selection committee. The top ten (10) posters will be judged and a winner selected. The announcement will be made at the Toronto annual meeting.
1st Prize: G. Liu, S. Alamleh, J. Lee, L. Zhan, J. Davis, W. Xu, Toronto, ON. – Clinical Predictors of Cisplatin Chemoradiation-Induced Ototoxicity in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma – View Poster
Honourable Mention: N. Hua, Ottawa, ON – “Salivary testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the pediatric population: a diagnostic accuracy study,” – . View Poster
Honourable Mention: D. Isaman, Tarrytown, NY, A. Khan, Chilly-Mazarin, France, S. Lee, Boston, MA, A. Peters, Chicago, IL, P. Hwang, Stanford, CA, R. Reitsma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, E. Martire, Toronto, ON, N. Petruski-Ivleva, Cambridge, MA, S. Nash, Tarrytown, NY, J. Jacob-Nara, Bridgewater, NJ. – Oral Corticosteroid Burden and Healthcare Resource Utilization (HCRU) in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyps (CRSwNP) Undergoing Functional Endoscopic Sinonasal Surgery (FESS): A Real-World Retrospective Cohort Study View Poster
1st Prize: E. Corriveau-Parenteau, S. Turkdogan, V.I. Forest, S.D. Da Silva, M. Pusztaszeri, M.P. Hier, K. Richardson, N. Sadeghi, R.J. Payne, Montréal, QC –Clinical Experience of Cytologically Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules (Bethesda III and IV) Designated as Negative on Molecular Testing Using ThyroSeq v3: A Retro- spective Cohort Study
Honourable Mention: Y.J. Du, R. Fu, J. Levinsky, P. Kamalraj, K. Chan, A. Parmar, A. Eskander, M. Smoragiewicz, Toronto, ON – Nivolumab for Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Tertiary Single Centre Real-world Experience
Honourable Mention: A. Patel, P. Suryavanshi, E. Madou, A. Dzioba, J. Strychowsky, London, ON, A. Hu, Vancouver, BC, Y. Chan, Toronto, ON, M.E. Graham, London, ON – Exploring Diversity in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Journal Editorial Boards
1st Prize: Sarah Tadhg Ferrier, Anthony Zeitouni, Nader Sadeghi, Thupten Tsering, Julia Burnier, McGill University, MONTREAL,QC – Liquid Biopsy for Monitoring HPV-Related Head and Neck Cancer
Honourable Mention: Morgan Young-Speirs, Ashley Hinther, Derick Randall, University of Calgary, CALGARY, AB – Tendency for Long-term Opioid Use and Related Complications Following Tonsillectomy in a Large Population-based Cohort
Honourable Mention: Hugh Kim, Alana Sorgini, Danielle MacNeil, Adrian Mendez, John Yoo, Kevin Fung, Krupal Patel (Tampa, FL), John Bartlett, Anthony Nichols, Western University, LONDON, ON – Head & Neck Cancer with Adverse Pathological Features Carry Specific Molecular Changes Associated with Survival
1st Prize: Ms. K. Ruicci, Drs. A. Nichols, E. Meen, P. Plantinga, J. Yoo, K. Fung, D. MacNeil, J. Barrett, J. Mymryk, C. Howlett, and P. Boutros, University of Western Ontario, LONDON, ON – Resistance to P13Ka Inhibition in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma is Mediated through TAM Family Receptor Upregulation
Honourable Mention: Drs. A. Hamour, J. Lee, V. Wu, H. Ziai, W. Yang, P. Singh, A. Eskander, D. Enepekides, I. Witterick, E. Monteiro, University of Toronto, TORONTO, ON – Implementation of a Standard Thyroid Ultrasound Reporting Form: A Multi-centered Quality Improvement Study
Honourable Mention: Drs. J. Reid, T. Lund, D. Aalto, C. Jeffery, University of Alberta, EDMONTON, AB – Development of a Machine Learning Tool for Detection of Voice Disorders
1st Prize: Ms. Kara Ruicci, Drs. John Yoo, Kevin Fung, Danielle MacNeil, John Barrett, Paul Boutros, Laurie Ailles, and Anthony Nichols, University of Western Ontario, LONDON, ON – A Controlled Trial of HNSCC Patient-derived Xenografts Reveals Broad Efficacy of P13K-alpha Inhibition in Controlling Tumor Growth
Honourable Mention: Mr. Kaishan Aravinthan, Drs. Russ Murphy and Anil Sharma, University of Saskatchewan, SASKATOON, SK – Role of ENT Resource Nurses on Operating Room Efficiency: A Retrospective Chart Review
1st Prize: Mr. F. Ghasemi, M. Black, N. Pinto, Drs. D. MacNeil, J. Yoo, K. Fung, J. Barrett, A. Nichols, London, ON – High-throughput Testing in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Identifies Agents with Preferential Activity in HPV-positive and Negative Cell Lines
Honourable Mention: Drs. D. Conrad, C. Lindsay, M. Kostiuk, D. O’Connell, J. Harris, H. Seikaly, Edmonton, AB – Anti-tumor Effects of Metformin and Curcumin in HPV Positive and Negative Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
1st Prize: Mr. F. Ghasemi, Ms. K. Ruicci, N. Pinto, Drs. D. MacNeil, J. Yoo, K. Fung, J. Barrett, A. Nichols, London, ON – Repurposing Albendazole: New Potential as a Chemotherapeutic Agent with Preferential Activity Against HPV-negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer
2nd Prize: Mr. A. Hamour, Drs. A. Mendez, V. Biron, R. Seemann, K. Ansari, R. Liu, H. Seikaly, D. Cote – Development of the Alberta Facial Clinical Evaluation (E-FaCE) Scale: A Patient Centered Outcomes Instrument for Facial Nerve Paralysis
1st Prize: Drs. Y. Amoako-Tuffour, N. Jufas, M. Bance, Halifax, NS – Acoustic Transmission Characteristics of a Eustachian Tube Volitionally Opened in Living Subjects
2nd Prize: Drs. D. Oyewumi, M. Brandt, B. Carrillo, Adelle Atkinson, K. Iglar, V. Forte, P. Campisi, Toronto, ON – Objective Evalution of Otoscopy Skills Amoungst Primary Care and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Resident Physicians
1st Prize: Drs. L. Caulley, C. Cameron, L. Rudmik, Calgary, AB, K. Thavorn, S. Kilty, Ottawa, ON- Costs of Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Results of the US Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
2nd Prize: Drs. O. Hilly, J. Birch, J. Chen, E. Hwang, V. Lin, R. Aviv, S. Symons, Toronto, ON – MRI-based Tractography of the Facial Nerve in Patients With and Without Cerebellopontine Angle Tumors
1st Prize: Mr. Mathieu Trudel, Drs. Mathieu Cote, Changshu Wang, Andre Fortin, Quebec, QC – Improving Quality of Life with Nabilone during Radiotherapy Treatment for Head/Neck Cancers: Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial
2nd Prize: Drs. Jason Xu, J.M. Lee, Toronto, ON – Epistaxis after Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: Does the Type of Post-operative Packing Matter?
1st Prize: Drs. Neil Mundi, Sung Um, John Barret, S. Danielle MacNeil, Kevin Fung, John Yoo, Anthony Nichols, London, ON – Oncolytic Poxviruses Demonstrate Potent Activity for the Control of Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
2nd Prize: Drs. Dennis Ho-Wo-Cheong, Tamara Mijovic, John Manoukian, Lily Nguyen, Montreal, QC – Synchronous Airway Lesions in Children: What Are the Common Lesions?
1st Prize: Drs. B. Williams, R. Hart, J. Trites, S.M. Taylor, M. Bullock, A. Lacoul, Halifax, NS – Gauging the Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration in Thyroid Cancer by Comparison with Postoperative Histology
2nd Prize: Mr. S. Chen, Drs. V. Lin, H. Amoodi, J. Chen, J. Nedzelski, Toronto, ON – Current Trends in Otologic Surgery: A Survey of Practicing Otolaryngologists in Canada
2011 Drs. A.L. Darnbrough, B.W. Blakley, D.E. Sutherland, F.G. Osler, WINNIPEG, MB – OMC Obstruction in Not Associated with Adjacent Sinus Disease in Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Polyps
2010 Drs. T.C. Fok, T.D. Daley, H.J. Lapointe, K. Fung, A.B. Tuck, A.F. Chambers, L. Jackson-Boeters, M.R. Dalring, London, ON – Expression and Localization of Osteopontin, Homing Cell Adhesion Molecule/CD44 and Integrin avB3 in Selected Benign and Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors
2009 Drs. R. Pennings, R. van Wijhe, D. Morris, Halifax, NS – Otologic and Audiologic Challenges in Fibrous Dysplasia of the Temporal Bone and Skull Base
2008 Drs. M. Langille, S. Shahnavaz, S. Veldhuyzen Van Zanten, E. Massoud, Halifax, NS – A Systematic Evaluation of the Information Available for Patients Regarding Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Drs. A. Grewal, S. Hawkins, R. Martin, C. Dreyer, M. McCormick, J. Yoo, J. Franklin, K. Fung, London, ON – Impact of Neck Dissection on Swallowing Function
2007 Drs. D. McKenna, P. Kerr, M. Sowa, J. Payette, E. Kohlenberg, A. Pabbies, Winnipeg, MB – Infrared Spectroscopy in the Monitoring of Free Flaps: An Animal Model
2006 Drs. D. Dorion, S. Darveau, Sherbrooke, QC – Role of Micropauses in Improving Surgical Precision and Preventing Long-term Musculo-skeletal Disorders
2005 Drs. K.J. MacDonald, J. McNally, E. Massoud, Halifax, NS – Self Reported Health Status and Utilization of Health Care Resources by Canadians with Chronic Rhinosinusitis
2004 Drs. Laura Chan and Paul Kerr, Winnipeg, MB – Level V Recurrance after Selective Neck Dissection for Squamous Cell Cancer of the Head & Neck
2003 Drs. S.M. Lim, M.M. Carr, Toronto, ON – Development and Evaluation of Novel Ear Model to Help Medical Students Gain Confidence and Competence in Ear Microdebridement
Drs. A. Pabbies, P. Kerr, M.G. Sowa, K.Z. Liu, L. Leonardi, A. Man, Winnipeg, MB – Free-Flap Monitoring Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy – A Comparative Pilot Study Using the Epigastric Artery Island Skin Flap in Rats
2002 Dr. S. Hall, Dr. Walker, Dr. Archibald, Toronto, ON – What is the Best Comorbidity Index for Survival Studies in Head and Neck Oncology?
2001 Mr. A. Pabbies, Dr. S.W. Matthews, Dr. B. Hughs, Winnipeg, MB – Variance Analysis of a Laryngectomy Clinical Pathway
2000 Dr. Y. Chan, Dr. J. Irish, Dr. L. Rothstein, Dr. O. Mostafchi, Dr. D. Brown, Dr. P. Gullane, and Dr. S. Wood, Toronto, ON – Informed Consent in Head and Neck Surgery: Measuring the Effectiveness of an Educational Intervention
1999 Dr. J. Kwak, Dr. P. Kerr, Dr. P. Shoenut, and Dr. B. Levin, Winnipeg, MB – The Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux in a Private ENT Practice: 100 Consecutive Patients
1998 Dr. P. Kerr, Dr. K. Liu, Dr. C. Schultz, and Dr. H. Mantsch, Winnipeg, MB – Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancers
1997 Dr. J.J. Manoukian, Dr. E.D. Wright, and Dr. A.J. Pearl, Halifax, NS – Laterally Hypertrophic Adenoids as an Etiologic Factor in Otitis Media
1996 Dr. Vito Forte, Dr. A. Park, and Dr. A. Messner, Toronto, ON – Autogenous Thyroid Cartilage in Laryngotracheoplasty
1995 Dr. B. Mizerny and Dr. M. Desrosiers, Montreal, QC – Transfrontal Endoscopy of the Frontal Sinus: A Minimally Invasive Approach for Surgery of the Frontonasal Duct
1994 Dr. I. Dempsey, Dr. E. Pelausa, and Dr. R. Wong, Ottawa, ON – Successful Management of Traumatic Internal Carotid Artery Pseudo-Aneurysm following Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
1993 Dr. B. Mizerny and Dr. J.J. Manoukian, Montreal, QC – Surgical Management of Neurofibroma of the Epiglottis: Case Report and Review of the Literature
1992 Dr. Martyn Mendelsohn, Toronto, ON – Airway Protection during Supraglottic Swallow
1991 Dr. Mark Wax and Dr. T.D.R. Briant, Toronto, ON – Carotid Body Removal: A Documentary
1990 Dr. Robert Macdonald and Dr. Joseph Warshawski, Toronto, ON – Attempted Murder in a Two-Month Old Infant by Caustic Ingestion