Position On Hearing Loss And Otolaryngological Disease In Developing Communities
- We recognize many areas in the world as disadvantaged from the standpoint of otolaryngology, hearing, and ear health care. This includes remote areas in Canada, particularly those in the North that, because of distance and isolation, are disadvantaged.
- We recognize many populations in developing countries who do not have access to otolaryngologic care.
- The Society supports its members in their endeavour to provide otolaryngologic care to both of the above populations or groups.
- The Society supports the education of all health care workers involved in the provision of otolaryngologic, hearing, and ear health care to these populations, including physicians, audiologists, nurses, and technicians. This support is both to provide education in developing countries and for personnel from developing countries in Canada.
- The Society supports its members providing such education both in developing areas and in our own home base.
- The Society encourages Provincial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons to modify requirements for training licensure for physicians from disadvantaged countries, particularly those seeking educational experience only.