
Pay Your Membership Dues




You have several options to pay your membership dues.

*2025 Payments can be accepted via the following methods, however check your email in the weeks to come for information on our new Membership Payments Portal, coming soon

  1. Online (link below).
  2. Phone (VISA or Mastercard)
  3. Fax (VISA or Mastercard)

IMPORTANT TO NOTE – Membership fees include GST/HST  

There is no annual fee for Associate (residents) & Emeritus members. 



Pay ONLINE through PayPal (pay as a Guest, no account necessary).




Your 2025 membership dues can also be submitted by calling your payment in to the office at 705-606-6723, or faxing the completed form to: 705- 999-0808.

*Information will be coming soon regarding our new membership portal.

To pay any backdues owing, please contact Ms. Kim Iverson at membership@csohns.org 




Please Donate to the COHNS Fund

Using CanadaHelps.org  you can now make a donation to the COHNS Fund online.  This convenient, secure and safe system provides you with an instant charitable receipt.

With dwindling corporate support, your contribution to the Fund is more important than ever.  It helps to sustance the Canadian Fellowship Grant program, the Mini-fellowship for active members and the Global Outreach initiative.

Please consider giving to our “Circle of Donors”.  Donations are cumulative and contribution of $1000 or more will be recognized with a certificate at the annual meeting.

CLICK HERE  to donate through CanadaHelps.org

Print Donation Card (pdf)


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