- A group of students from the Oto-rhino-laryngology and Cervico-facial Surgery Division at the University of Montreal invites Otolaryngologists across Canada to take part in a crucial research project, “Canadian Otolaryngologists’ Perspectives on Tracheostomy Care: Insights from a Nationwide Survey.” Approved by the University of Montreal’s ethics committee, this study aims to improve and standardize tracheotomy care guidelines across the country.
While there is significant research on the technical aspects of tracheotomy, clear, standardized guidelines for peri- and post-hospital care are lacking. This survey seeks to capture current practices and recommendations from Canadian otolaryngologists, providing insights into areas where guidelines can be strengthened.
How You Can Contribute:
Participation involves completing a brief online questionnaire (approximately 15 minutes). The questions are designed based on existing literature and identified gaps in tracheotomy care. You’ll also be asked to provide some demographic information to help us better understand regional variations in practice.
Why it Matters:
By taking part, you’ll help:
1) Improve and standardize tracheotomy care recommendations.
2) Develop evidence-based guidelines that can be implemented nationwide.
3) Lay the groundwork for future research into optimal tracheotomy care.
- Your input will be invaluable in shaping the future of tracheotomy care in Canada. To participate, simply click the link below to access the questionnaire and review the information and consent form.
Thank you for your time and for contributing to this important project.