At its recent meeting during the 7th World Congress in Rome, on June 21, 2023, the Executive Committee approved the establishment of 4 orders of merit on an annual basis to identify and honour individuals who have made significant contributions to the field during their careers. The categories are as follows –
1. Head and Neck Surgery
2. Radiation Oncology
3. Medical Oncology
4. Public Health, Education, Basic Research, and Rehabilitation pertaining to Head and Neck Cancers
These individuals will receive an order of merit plaque from IFHNOS identifying their contributions and recognizing leadership in their particular area of interest. The announcement will be made on World Head and Neck Cancer Day, July 27th of each year. In addition, these names will be recorded on the IFHNOS website and publicized by mass e-mail.
PROCESS: All 2025 nominations are to be forwarded by the President or Secretary of the member societies for consideration of the order of merit award. The prescribed form is linked below.
TIMELINE: The submission of such recommendations is open until March 31st of each calendar year.
CONTACT: Please send the filled form to Dr. Vincent Gregoire at
SCREENING COMMITTEE: The screening committee for the Order of Merit Award in surgical innovation, radiation oncology, medical oncology, education, research and public service are Vincent Gregoir, Ann Lee, Patrick Gullane and Jan Vermorken.